This next one does have a story with it, one that I won't get into just yet.
We (meaning the solar car team preparing for the 1993 race, of which I was a part) had these printed as a sort of morale booster. The back shows an image of our old car that competed in the 1990 race (on the right) and our design for the 1993 car (on the left - pretty close to how it came out). The signposts on this road actually say each of the stage stops in the race.
The thing is, we printed this waaaaay before the race, and wouldn't you know it, one of the cities changed, and our shirt was "wrong." But it ended up preserving the original route in a strange way.
Also, I remember having this printed at the major local t-shirt printing place. They did a nice job rendering it, etc. Then, whaddya know, several months later, we see a shirt for some frat party or something, and it features one of the cars on it! They had stolen our art for another t-shirt! We called and complained, but I really don't remember what ever came of it.